DigitalTech EDIH - European Digital Innovation Hubs

At DigitalTech EDIH, we plan to implement a diverse portfolio of complex services tailored to the needs of prospective customers, covering cybersecurity, digital competences (blockchain technology, education technology, digital finance), as well as general skills and solutions related to digital transformation.

These services include:

  • "Test-before-invest activities with both the technological and business aspects;
  • Access to finance (domestically and internationally);
  • Training activities, both in technology (cybersecurity, digital skills in blockchain, financial technology, education technology, and digital transformation tools) and in business development related issues;
  • Network activities;
  • Information services.

Project duration: 01.10.2022 - 30.09.2022

Project ID: 101083965 (DIGITAL-2021-EDIH-01)

Project partners:

Eit Digital Hungary Nonprofit Ltd. (lead partner)

Budapest University of Technology and Economics

Association of Information Technology, Telecommunications and Electronics Enterprises

Eötvös Lóránd University

Blockchain Hungary Association

Edutus University

Infotér Nonprofit Ltd.

University of Debrecen

Primom Foundation

Digital Government Development And Project Management Ltd.

Central Transdanubian Regional Innovation Agency Nonprofit Ltd.

Official website of the programme:
