Smart Specialisation Strategy of Central Transdanubian Region (2023-2029)

The development opportunities of Central Transdanubian Region (CTD) is highly connected to its innovation performance, as main source of economic growth and social progress. Being a moderate innovator region with above average performance in knowledgeintensive employment, product innovation and business-related R&D, innovation-led economic growth has been increasingly centred on digital and green twin transition.

CTD is one of the most developed and fastest growing regions in Hungary, however the transition towards new growth opportunities are still an issue. Regional productivity and innovation gaps highlight that digital adoption, knowledge diffusion and sustainable growth are by no means ready. 

The current development challenges on innovation are addressed by the EC developed concept for innovation policy, namely Smart Specialisation, that is used as a core concept of the current strategy (CTS3). As such, it promotes broader benefits, including innovation driven growth in regions and the promotion of sustainable growth models. Additionally, CTRIA is a member and contact point for Smart Specialisation Platform, that assures the transnational integration and smooth implementation of the defined development directions.

The current Smart Specialisation Strategy for Central Transdanubia is the core policy framework in promoting the economic and social development of the region. The main objective of this strategy is to respond to rapidly changing economic conditions, technological advances and societal expectations. Additionally, it acts as the core strategy for implementing innovation projects and initiatives on the one hand, and wider transnational integration of the innovation ecosystem on the other.

By the given framework conditions, CTS3 is aimed at defining policy framework, together with all relevant priorities for the period of 2023-2029, with the following key objectives:

  • Exploiting innovation potential: the new strategy aims to assess and exploit the region’s innovation
    potential, stimulating the growth and competitiveness of local businesses.
  • Rethinking Sector Priorities: the aim is to review the region’s key sectors to support those with the
    greatest growth potential.
  • Social and Economic Integration: the strategy aims to integrate social and economic aspects, ensuring
    sustainable development and social inclusion.
  • Regional and European Alignment: CTS3 2023-29 aligns regional priorities with the EU frameworks
    and Hungarian national strategies.

From a strategy management perspective, the Central Transdanubian Regional Innovation Agency (CTRIA) plays a key role in the preparation and implementation of CTS3. CTRIA – as the relevant policy body for CTS3 – is responsible for defining the strategy’s guidelines, coordinating cooperation and achieving its objectives. CTRIA is also responsible for
promoting the economic and social development of the region by supporting innovation and technological development through the implementation of CTS3.

By the given framework and key objectives, this document is acts as the regional innovation strategy for Central Transdanubian Region in the period of 2023-2029, grounded on the S3 strategy of the previous EU programming periods.

Download and read the full strategy
