International projects
Több mint 20 nemzetközi projektben képviseltük Magyarországot az elmúlt 5 évben. Ismerje meg, hogy mivel foglalkozunk a nemzetközi partnerségekben!
Ongoing international projects

I3-4-BIOFERTILIZERS | I3 Instrument Programme
Our agency is participating as a partner in the I3-4-BIOFERTILIZERS: Interregional Innovation Investments for Biofertilizers and Circular Bioeconomy Solutions for a Sustainable Agriculture project. The I3-4-BIOFERTILIZERS project aims to promote interregional cooperation in the field of bio-fertilizers and the circular bioeconomy. This initiative brings together leading actors from 8 EU member states and 13 different regions to establish a new transnational value chain in bio-fertilization and sustainable agricultural solutions.

GoGreen | Erasmus+
Our agency is participating as a partner in the Erasmus+ project titled "GoGreen – New learning path for promoting green entrepreneurship." The project, implemented in collaboration with Slovenian, Bulgarian, North Macedonian, Irish, and Spanish partners, aims to develop a comprehensive learning model called the "Pyramid of Learning" (PoL). This model equips young people with community-focused, "social," and "green" entrepreneurial competencies while also providing youth workers with a versatile set of non-formal educational tools.

IaaS4DR | Interreg Danube Region
Our agency is a partner organisation in the Interreg Danube Transnational Programme project "IaaS4DR - Innovation as a Service for accelerated innovation and industrial transition in industrial, rural and remote areas with low innovation capacity in the Danube Region." The overall objective of the project, which is implemented with partners from Slovakia, Montenegro, Germany, Austria, Ukraine, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Czech Republic, Romania, Slovenia, Croatia and Hungary, is to revolutionize innovation support and technology transfer in the Danube region, particularly targeting industrial rural and remote areas with low innovation capacities.

WIN - Improving the position of Women in the labour markets of peripheral INdustrial regions | Interreg Danube Transnational Programme
Our agency is a partner organisation in the Interreg Danube Transnational Programme project "WIN - Improving the position of Women in the labour markets of peripheral INdustrial regions". The overall objective of the project, which is implemented with partners from Slovenia, Ostrava, Czech Republic, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Bulgaria and Hungary, is to improve the situation of women workers in peripheral industrial regions, contributing to a more accessible, inclusive and efficient labour market for women.

Our agency is a member of the international consortium led by Flanders' Food (Belgium) to support the implementation of the HIGHFIVE project ("enHancing dIgital and Green growtH in the Food processing industry via Interregional innoVation invEstments"), which aims to, to support food processing SMEs active in, or seeking to enter, domestic and interregional markets by providing them with the opportunity to enter the market with innovative digital solutions, thus contributing to the Farm to Fork strategy.

DigitalTech EDIH - European Digital Innovation Hubs | Digital Europe Programme
Our agency joined the DigitalTech EDIH project, led by EIT Digital Hungary Nonprofit Ltd. The project aims to help Hungarian companies and public institutions with their digital transition, thus increasing their efficiency and competitiveness, in particular with regards to cybersecurity and related digital technologies and competences, including blockchain technology, education technology, and digital finance.

CHERRY - making Culture tHe N°1 ally of European RecoveRY | Interreg Europe
Our agency is a partner in the Interreg Europe project "CHERRY - making Culture tHe N°1 ally of European RecoveRY". The project, with partners from Italy, Greece, Hungary, Greece, Romania, Belgium, France, Latvia and Finland, aims to improve policies and local plans for the creative and cultural industries in response to the pandemic, to further develop the sector using innovative communication tools, digital technologies and services, to reach new users and to enhance the relevance of culture in general for the EU's recovery.

CORE - Composting in Rural Environments | Interreg Europe
Ügynökségünk partnerként vesz részt a „CORE – Composting in Rural Environments” című Interreg Europe projektben. A spanyol, német, belga, lengyel, magyar, olasz, svéd és görög partnerekkel megvalósuló projekt célja, hogy a vidéki területeken nagyobb figyelmet fordítsanak a komposztálásra, hogy középtávon drasztikusan csökkenjen a szervesanyag-frakció és a hozzá kapcsolódó negatív hatások.

Health Labs4Value | Interreg Central Europe
Our agency is a lead partner in the Interreg Central Europe project "Health Labs4Value - Establishment of sustainable structures for the deployment of innovations, transfer of technologies, and knowledge in health care systems in CE based on OI 2.0 principles". The project, with partners from Slovenia, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Austria and the Czech Republic, aims to respond to the unsustainable, wasteful management of scarce resources in Central and Eastern European health systems, while R&D activities, technology and innovation transfer still show significant disparities between Eastern and Western regions, including within the region.

Capacity2Transform | Interreg Central Europe
Our agency is a partner in the Interreg Central Europe project "Capacity2Transform - Activating cultural transformation potential and boosting creative industries and sustainable tourism in the dual green and digital transition for the competitiveness of Central Europe". The project, with partners from Slovenia, Italy, Hungary, Austria, Croatia, Germany, Czech Republic and Slovakia, aims to build capacity to address the skills gap of cultural and creative industries and to help SMEs in sustainable tourism to become part of the digital and green transition in tourism in Central Europe.

Foster Awareness on the relevance of Checking the Truth – F.A.C.T. | CERV
Our agency is a partner of the "Foster Awareness on the relevance of Checking the Truth - F.A.C.T." CERV project. The project, which is being implemented with partners from Italy, Spain, Portugal, Greece, Romania, Poland, Lithuania and Finland, aims to clarify and dispel misinformation (fake news) in the public consciousness.

Food-scalEUp | HORIZON
Our agency is a partner in the HORIZON project "Food-scalEUp: expanding the European digital agri-food acceleration ecosystem". The project, with partners from Spain, France, the Netherlands and Germany, aims to develop European regional agri-food digital innovation capacity.

Agro4SDGs | Erasmus+
Our agency is a partner in the Erasmus+ project "AgroSGDs - Strengthening community mobilisation and supporting women entrepreneurship in the agro-ecological sector". The project, with partners from Spain, Italy, Slovenia and Poland, aims to support the green transition of rural environments in Europe, with a particular focus on supporting the agro-ecological sector, which offers more responsible consumption choices in these regions.

HyPro4ST | Erasmus+
Our agency is a partner in the Erasmus+ project "HyPro4ST - Sustainable Tourism Innovation Through Hybrid Project Management". The project, with partners from Greece, Slovenia, Croatia, Italy and Portugal, aims to have a positive social and sustainable impact on the tourism sector.

ScaleUPcycling | Erasmus+
Our agency is a partner in the Erasmus+ project "ScaleUPcycling - Youth competence development on reuse and upcycling". The project, with partners from Slovenia, Bulgaria, Spain and Cyprus, aims to promote upcycling among young people.

Lex(e)con | Erasmus+
Our agency is a partner in the Erasmus+ project "LEX(e)CON - Smart Entrepreneurship for People with Dyslexia". The project, with partners from Austria, Greece, Turkey and Spain, aims to support adult education providers who can help people with dyslexia by providing entrepreneurship skills.

EDUCATE | Erasmus+
Our agency participates as a coordinator in the Erasmus+ project "EDUCATE - European Hub for Digital Learning and Inclusive Adult Education Organisations". The project, with partners from Greece, Lithuania, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania and Turkey, aims to create a digital platform that will provide adult educators with key methods and training to understand and more widely embrace the digital environment.

RE-CONNECT | Erasmus+
Our agency participates as a coordinator in the Erasmus+ project "RE-CONNECT". The project, with partners from Lithuania, Italy, Ireland and Slovenia, aims to develop community-based tourism in underdeveloped areas using green and digital methods.

Young GREENtrepreneurs | Eramus+
Our agency participates as a coordinator in the Erasmus+ project "Young GREENtrepreneurs - Innovative approaches in promoting green entrepreneurship among youth". The project, with partners from Slovenia, Bulgaria, Northern Macedonia, Ireland and Spain, aims to promote green entrepreneurship among young people through innovative approaches.

Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs - The European Entrepreneurship Exchange Programme
The Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs project offers start-up entrepreneurs the opportunity to work in EU countries and learn from experienced entrepreneurs. The programme offers young entrepreneurs the chance to travel to another EU country for 1-6 months, where skilled staff from small and medium-sized enterprises will help them turn their ideas into reality.